

By IntraFish Media
October 4, 2018

The Ocean Stewards Institute said Wednesday it supports the American Aquaculture Act, which looks to advance offshore aquaculture in the United States… READ MORE

America Needs Another Revolution

By Neil Anthony Sims and Bridget Owen
The Hill - October 31, 2016

America needs another revolution. We need a Blue Revolution, to start to grow fish in the open ocean, where they belong. And we should lead the world in this initiative. This is an economic opportunity: we must reverse our $12.9 billion seafood trade deficit. We have the technologies, we have the investment capital, and we need the jobs and the working waterfronts. It is also a moral obligation: over 90% of the seafood consumed in the U.S. is imported. America controls the largest ocean expanse of any nation on earth, yet we import more seafood - by dollar value - than any other country.... READ MORE

Nissui Trials Automated Offshore Coho Salmon Farming

By IntraFish Media
October 27, 2016

New automated offshore fish farming system promises to drastically reduce manpower and open up new frontiers in aquaculture...READ MORE

Ocean Stewards Applaud Final Clearance of NOAA Rule for Aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico

By Kelly Coleman
Ocean Stewards Press Release - December 15, 2015

The Ocean Stewards Institute today applauded the recent action by the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that approved the NOAA rule for implementation of the Aquaculture Fisheries Management Plan in the Gulf of Mexico. “This is the culmination of over a decade’s diligent work by the Ocean Stewards, other industry partners, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and Federal agencies towards setting up a sustainable commercial aquaculture industry in U.S. Federal waters,” said Neil Anthony Sims, President of the Ocean Stewards Institute and Co-CEO of Kampachi Farms. “It is also an important step in providing domestically grown seafood for U.S. consumers...READ MORE

Ocean Stewards Applaud NOAA Aquaculture Policy as “A Positive Step Forward for Protection of Ocean Resources"

By Kelly Coleman
Ocean Stewards Press Release - June 14, 2011

The Ocean Stewards Institute today announced their robust support of the recently published NOAA Aquaculture Policy, which establishes priorities for NOAA’s aquaculture initiatives and provides guidance and standards for the development of sustainable aquaculture in federal waters...READ MORE


By IntraFish Media
September 28, 2018

A Wednesday ruling that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) can’t regulate offshore aquaculture under existing national fisheries laws is seen by some as a setback to offshore aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico, but industry members are unclear exactly how the decision will affect the sector…READ MORE

Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

By Marc Gunther
Yale Environment 360 - January 25, 2018

U.S. aquaculture advocates – backed by mainstream conservation groups – are saying that locating well-run operations out in the ocean could produce sustainable food and protect wild stocks from overfishing... READ MORE

Obama Charting Course on Pacific Fish Farming

By Ian Kullgren
Politico - October 31, 2016

The Obama administration is laying the groundwork for permitting fish farming in federal waters in the Pacific Islands for the first time, part of its plan to double aquaculture production in the U.S. by 2020... READ MORE

The $100 Million U.S. Government Fish Farm Nobody Wants

By Deena Shankar
Bloomberg - October 28, 2016

If someone offered you a chance to invest millions of dollars in a business nobody wants, would you take it? If you’re the U.S. government, the answer is a resounding yes. Since 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — despite major political, social, and environmental headwinds — has poured almost $100 million (PDF) into aquaculture, also known by the more pedestrian moniker of fish farming...READ MORE

Ocean Stewards Celebrate NOAA Final Rule for Aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico

By Kelly Coleman
Ocean Stewards Press Release - January 12, 2016

The Ocean Stewards Institute today welcomed NOAA’s release of the Final Rule to Implement the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Offshore Marine Aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico. The Rule’s release and January 13 publication by the Federal Register is the culmination of more than a decade’s work on this issue by the Ocean Stewards Institute and a number of other industry partners, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, and other Federal agencies...READ MORE